Sunday, September 19, 2010

Back to School Blunders

Going back to school always puts a damper on craft time. Because I tend to lay on the credits, and because car space is limited when moving back in, I tend to put my projects on the back burners. But, here are some recent things:

- One whole dinosaur is now sewn to my apron front. Next step is to sew on the others along the hem of the skirt, then suck it up and gather the skirt to sew it all together.
- I have acquired my calligraphy materials, so the Ovid/Firefly poster can continue its progress!
- I have continued work on my remaining two commissions. Thankfully, the weather is still warm, so my dear patrons have not fussed about their late completion...

I have also cooked lots of things. Maybe doodling on homework will commence just to keep my creative juices flowing?